Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Tuesday Share...a little birdie

It's Tuesday and I wanted to share a wall quilt I have been working on.
Actually I'm on a mission to get the house to look homey and lived in and I came to the conclusions that there were far too many bare walls.
To buy artwork would take me some time to find the right thing and by then I might change my style!
So here is my first attempt at making an semi-art quilt.
My friend and daughter thinks this qualifies as an art quilt, but not at my standards.  But
it did start with a card that I liked, then I drew it and finally took the leap to just free form cut all the shapes out of fabric,  I tried very hard to use only supplies that I had, but I did go shopping for the tree fabric.
This is what it looked like yesterday after my attempt at quilting.

Here is the finished quilt on the wall of my master bath.  I think it will look better when we actually get some color on the walls too.

I figure this opportunity to fill the walls are giving me practice at my free motion quilting.

Here is a close up of the tree trunk where I thread painted the trunk.

I hope you enjoyed my baby step on my journey into art quilts.


1 comment:

  1. I love this! How much would you sell something like this for??



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