Monday, November 30, 2009

Sneak Peek Monday with Whimsie Doodles

Sneak peek MONDAY! This is so exciting. As you know I was given the opportunity to be part of a awesome design team at Whimsie Doodles for the month of December.  December 1st new images come out and I can give 1 away for FREE!  But you have to play along....

So can you guess what this image is?  The first person with the closest guess will get this image for free.  Post your guess in the comments section.


  1. Looks like cute, little frilly underpants or aka panties!!!:) Can't wait for this release, looks so cute!!!

  2. looks like i am too late, but I agree with Country Mouse - a pair of frilly panties.

  3. Since panties is already taken, how about the neck of a dress?

  4. Seems to be part of a new Underwear Collection. Can't wait to see the entire card.

  5. Christmas one-sie (like Baby's First Christmas)

    Thanks for the sneak peek and chance to win.

  6. It looks like what most everyone else says, some sort of under panties. I am thinking it is some kind of dress up set? You can change the clothing maybe? I am just really guessing here....Michelle

  7. this looks like what I call...dare I say this..."big bum undies" know which ones I'm talking about girls! All frilly and pretty...

  8. Looks like cute under panties for a gingerbread girl.

  9. Since I saw some tighty whiteies on another blog, these have to be frilly panties!!



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