Sunday, February 24, 2013

An Art start..

Today I started the morning with Art.  I have been wanting to do so many things, and Boy! do I have tons of ideas to try.  Many places for inspiration....
I started with my Paper, Cloth, Scissors magazine that has been on my night stand.  I had to pick up this copy because I LOVE those hearts and the night that I picked this copy up at Barnes and Noble I met a really nice lady who does art journals.  I didn't get her name, which is a shame.  I invited her to join the art quilt group I facilitate and I'm hoping she is checking out my blog.  Anyways, she got me excited about art journals.  (on-going struggle)  So the hearts and the bucket list caught my attention.

So, many a nights I go to bed looking and drooling on my stack of magazines.  My two favorite are
Paper, Cloth, Scissors and Quilting Arts.  Sometimes you will find others, but those are my staples.
This morning I pulled out my watercolor paints and some muslin and went to town making fabric painted hearts.

I'm not sure what I'll do with them or where they will end up, but maybe this is my baby step towards making an art journal or at the very least making art that makes me happy!
This one is my favorite.
So I guess the next step is to add some take these to the sewing machine or handstich.
I hope you had a ARTful week-end.

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