Thursday, January 29, 2015

What does living fearless mean?

This is a good question.  Living fearless means many things, I guess it depends on who you are.  I don't see me doing anything wild and crazy like skydiving or putting myself in harm.  Living fearless for me this year is going to be about putting myself out there, taking a few more risks, and believing in myself.  I know there will be many people who like and dislike my art or how I do things but this is me.

Here is what I created from my journal page:

I created a print from my first journal page for this year.  Don't think my hubby will mind a little purple in our teal bedroom, do you?.  But I think having a visual for me will be helpful to see each day.

Actually, my #Society6 shop is awesome in creating fun stuff that I can get a mug or a pillow as my daily reminder!  Silly girl.

The decision will be hard as to which to get.

But here is my first step my sharing 1 side of my 2 page layout of my journal page, putting it out the publicly and trying to be fearless one baby step at a time.

You can join me! - Judy

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